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Online Application

Many thanks for your interest in accommodation in one of the student residences of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim. Before you apply online, here is some helpful information.

  • Students from the following institutions are eligible to live in the student residences of the Studierendenwerk Mannheim:
    • DHBW
    • Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
    • Pop Academy
    • University of Music and Performing Arts
    • University of Mannheim
  • Please note that students who are enrolled at another institution other than those listed above are not eligible for housing and cannot be offered a room in a student residence for the winter semester (August, September and October), as Mannheim students who are eligible for housing have priority.
  • Students who are enrolled at another institution can still apply for accommodation outside of these months, provided they are enrolled at a state institution of higher education and have student status.
  • We accept your application at any time – you can apply 6 months before your desired move in date. Early applications will give you the best chance.
  • Your online application is non-committal.
  • You can send your admission letter/enrollment certificate at a later date.
  • We are happy that you have expressed interest in our student accommodations. We will do our best to consider all of your wishes from your application but please understand that this is not always possible.
  • If you do not accept one of the offers made by us, your online application automatically is withdrawn. However, you can re-apply.
  • Because of the high demand, we unfortunately cannot offer all students an accomodation. If you do not receive an offer, we will inform you about your online application and other possibilities.
  • From online application to room allocation (PDF)

Continue to the application form

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