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Service Packet

Since many international students arrive in Mannheim with just the most essential every-day items and spend the first days acclimating to a new town, different culture, and doing what they can to make the best of their time, we have put together a package of items that should ease their arrival. The packages are delivered so that the students have them in their room on the day they move in.

This service package is primarily for students in Mannheim who are staying through an accredited exchange program and who has made all proper arrangements with the respective international office of their institutions. 

International students who are not traveling via an exchange program can purchase a package as long as supplies last.

What is in the Service Packet?

  1. Welcome folder
  2. Options may vary: 2x free tickets/gift certificates or Mannheim Becher (reusable Mannheim to-go cup) or Studierendenwerk Mannheim Keychain                            
  3. MensaCard worth 30 EUR - can be used at all Studierendenwerk facilities (i.e. cafeterias, cafés, laundry rooms)
  4. StarterKit Kitchen (see below)

How can I book a Service Packet?

  1. Request a Service Packet on the housing application*
  2. If you receive an offer from us and have selected one, you qualify.
  3. Once the payment of 110,00 has been paid, we will prepare a Service Packet for you and have it ready for your arrival.

After payment has been made and your service package has been successfully purchased, you will be sent an e-mail confirmation from us.

*Depending on your program, you might have the option to purchase one on the housing application itself. If this is not the case, please let us know in the comments of the application or send us an e-mail.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via Email.

StarterKit Kitchen 


  1. 1x 4-piece silverware set
  2. 1x wooden spatula
  3. 1x wooden cooking spoon
  4. 1x glass
  5. 1x mug
  6. 1x plate large (dinner plate)
  7. 1x plate deep (soup plate)
  8. 1x plate small (breakfast plate/dessert plate)
  9. 1x dish towel
  10. 1x bowl plastic Ø24cm
  11. 1x strainer Ø24cm
  12. 1x ladle
  13. 1x paring knife
  14. 1x whisk
  15. 1x cutting board large (ca.35x25cm)
  16. 1x pot with lid, suitable for induction, Ø20cm
  17. 1x pan without lid, induction suitable, Ø24cm
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