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Services for International Students: New Coordinator

07.10.2020 | International

The Studierendenwerk Mannheim would like to introduce the new coordinator for the services for international students. Patrick Sullivan will be taking over immediately to assist all international students with their questions.

Starting out in the Infothek, he was able to have a grasp on the wide variety of services we offer - especially for international students. Even after moving from the Infothek to the housing department, his focus has always been in part with the international students, coordinating with the various International Offices in the area and special exchange programs to visit Mannheim and use our services.

Patrick was an international exchange student in this area and knows what it is like to live, study, and work in Germany and how the services of the Studierendenwerk can help support alongside the administrations of the higher education institutions.

He is more than happy to assist you with all your questions, so do not hesitate to contact him.


Phone: 0621 49072 802


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