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In our Cafeterias and Cafés, at the vending and coffee machines, and in the laundry rooms in our Student Residences, the preferred payment method is with the chip card (ecUM, HSCard, CampusCard) or the MensA-Card.  Students from other institutions, university employees, workers in the area as well as guests can receive a MensA-card at our service centers for a deposit of 6 Euro.  All chip cards can be topped up with cash at the registers of the Studierendenwerk.  Quicker and more convenient is the cashless payment system Autoload-that since the Fall/Winter Semester 2020/21 registration is now available online. Plus, Autoload uses benefit from regular promotions and events.

Chip card payments - convenient and quick

The fast payment process by card helps to reduce waiting times at the cafeteria registers and ensures the lowest possible price. Payments can still be made at least at one register in all Cafeterias and Cafes with cash- however an increased price will be charged. Therefore students, employees, and other guests should pay with a chip card at our facilities. 

Chip cards work everywhere

Whether you have a MensA-Card, ecUM, HSCard or CamusCard, your chip card can be used everywhere. For example, after researching in the university library, students from the university or the DHBW can also go out to eat in the Schlossmensa and conveniently use their student ID cards for payment.



 Studierendenwerk  dhbw_card  Universität  HS2 Chipkarte 

Student Card Service: Login 

After you register, you can change the minimum credit line as well as the amount you can load on your card, view your transactions, or deactivate or block your card if you lose it all via the Autoload platform.



Questions about using Autoload? Email us at:


Über die Quicklinksleiste am rechten Bildschirmrand erreichen Sie auf direktem Weg das BAfög-Service-Center, die Autoload-Registrierung und Onlinefeedback-Formular.
In der Fußzeile finden Sie nochmal eine Verlinkung zu den sieben Hauptkategorien. Außerdem befinden sich hier noch Direktlinks zu wichtigen Seiten insb. Datenschutz, Impressum und Kontakt.
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